TEA Documentation
Benchmark 1: School Design
A. Mentor/Induction program plans
B. Annual training/professional development plan
C. P-TECH leadership meeting agendas and notes
Benchmark 2: Target Population
A. Admission policy and enrollment application
1. Application
2. Admission Policy
3. Online Enrollment Steps
B. Recruitment and enrollment plan
1. 2023-2024 Timeline
2. BISD Program Guide
3. P-TECH Recruitment Video
C. Brochures and Marketing
1. P-TECH Flyer
2. P-TECH Flyer Spanish
3. P-TECH PowerPoint
D. Communication plan
Benchmark 3: Strategic Alliances
A. Meeting agendas and minutes, with action items and decision logs
1. Planning Agenda
2. Coordinator/Counselors/Principals Presentation
3. Site Visit Agenda
4. Feeder Patterm Meeting Agenda
5. CIT Meeting Agenda
6. PTECH Meeting Agenda
7. PTECH Team Meeting Agenda
B. MOU’s with industry partner/business
C. Articulation Agreement with IHE
1. IHE Articulation Agreement
2. The Interlocal Agreement
D. List of strategic partners
1. Leadership Team List/Role
2. Agenda Date
Benchmark 4: Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
A. Four-Year Crosswalk document
1. Crosswalk with Prerequisites and Endorsements
B. Master Schedule
C. Curriculum alignment documents
1. Crosswalk Master Schedule
D. Testing Calender and Schedule for TSI,ACT,SAT or other assessments
E. Course of study examples
Benchmark 5: Work-Based Learning
A. Work-based learning experiences
B. Regional high demand occupation list
1. State Wide Target Occupation
2. Top Career Clusters
3. Hot Jobs
C. Student data in work-based learning experiences
D. Samples of student artifacts
Benchmark 6 Student Support
A. Bride program calender amd curricula
B. Tutoring and other intervention /remediation program schedules
C. Calendar of family outreach events
D. Schedule of counseling/advisory events